Qualitative Recruitment Services PTY LTD
- Focus Groups
- Workshops
- Interviews/consumer immersions
- Customer List Studies
- Online Studies
- Audience Panels (TV and radio)
- Sensory product placements
- B2B studies
- Panels/on-line communities
BY SOURCING FRESH ARTICULATE RESPONDENTS, WE PUT THE QUALITY IN QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. Some qualitative research recruiters used tired databases to get your questions answered. Replenish ensures your questions will never be answered by the same person twice. That’s because we constantly restock our supply of respondents. Replenish has a national recruitment network on the ground sourcing articulate respondents who will offer meaningful insights. We handpick members of your target market via target field recruitment, social networking, online advertising and phone screening. Replenish also uses a unique centralised online database system, specially developed to recruit efficiently and cost effectively. Created in-house, this new online database features instant updating mechanisms and can be integrated with social networks.