Replenish Privacy Policy - When you participate as a panel member your privacy is assured.
- We will not make any personal information of our members available to anyone without your permission, This includes your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
- We will never try to sell you anything - that is not our business. We will never sell your name to anyone else who might want to sell you anything.
- We hold all your details of your participation in the strictest confidence.
- Your individual responses to surveys will also be kept confidential and will never be linked to your personal identifying information. Results are generally combined and presented together with all the other findings from the study.
- Your decisions about participating in a study, responding to specific questions, or discontinuing participation will be respected without question.
How Information Is Used - The Information We Collect & How We Use It
When you join Replenish, we collect the following personal identifying information: your name, address details, gender, age and email address. When you sign up to Replenish we will require you to verify your account. You will be required to enter a mobile phone number and verify this is a valid number by entering the SMS code you receive. While your mobile number will be stored on the Replenish database for identification purposes you can opt out of receiving SMS and/or telephone research.
We will use your name and email address to let you know about opportunities to take surveys, to provide new updates about Replenish that may be of interest to our panelists, to enter you automatically into the rewards program, and to inform you about special programs and benefits we are offering to our panel members. Generally, panel members are notified about an opportunity to take a survey several times per month. We may also send a brief email to our panel members to provide information of interest and to express our appreciation for their participation. This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Panel member names, and email addresses are maintained on a secured database accessible only by Replenish. Panel members may also access their own information for the purposes of verifying and updating, but they cannot view other members' information. Replenish frequently asks panel members for demographic information (such as age, gender, household composition), computer and web access capabilities, and lifestyle information (for example, types of vehicles owned or business/recreational travel). Replenish uses this information to select surveys that are appropriate for the panel member (or a member of the panelist's household). For example, a survey related to satisfaction with an airline might be sent only to those panelists who indicate a certain frequency of air travel.
Replenish asks panel members for their opinions about a variety of products and services by asking them to complete surveys via e-mail or at the Replenish website. Usually, Replenish combines the individual panelist responses and reports on the aggregated (or group) results. Individual level responses are occasionally used, but never associated with any personal identifying information. Updating Your Personal Information - Policies on Correcting/Updating Personal Information
Replenish relies on panel members themselves to provide any updates to personal identifying information. Members may update email addresses, password, as well as name of the person who initially registered by going to the "Settings" section of this website (available to members only). Opt Out Policy - Your Decision Not to Participate
Panel members may decline to respond to a survey or opt to drop membership at any time. We respect the decision to decline participation and will not try to dissuade you. Panelists who prefer not to complete a given survey need not do so. Panelists who would like to withdraw their membership from the interactive panel may do so at any time by visiting the "Unsubscribe" page under "Settings" Panelists may also withdraw membership by clicking on the at the bottom of every email that members receive from Replenish. Use of Cookies - How We Use Cookies on Our Website
Replenish uses cookies on our registration and survey forms during the time you are actively completing the forms. These cookies are used for technical purposes to allow for accurate transmission of survey information to the Replenish database and to ensure that a member does not take the same survey more than once.
No personal identifying information is stored on any cookie nor do we retain any cookied information on our databases. Because cookies are used to identify valid members to protect access to their specific member information and to personalize their member experience, users who choose not to allow cookies cannot register nor can they access the member area of the Replenish website with its associated member benefits (such as taking surveys, earning reward points and redeeming rewards). Notification of Changes - How We Notify You About Changes to Our Privacy Policy
If we are going to use your personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated in our privacy policy at the time of collection, we will notify you via email. You will have a choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different manner; instructions for how to make that choice will be included in the email. If we make any material changes to our privacy practices that do not affect user information already stored in our database, we will post a prominent notice on our website notifying our members that there is a change and pointing them to the revised privacy page.
Occasionally, we conduct studies with partner companies on the partner's website, which may operate under a different privacy policy. Like all our other studies, participation in these studies is completely voluntary and informed. We notify select members via email about these research opportunities and provide a complete description of what is involved and any member benefits. On occasion, we invite members to take this type of survey without email notification (that is, the survey is waiting when they visit the site or they are invited to take a second survey at the conclusion of participation of another survey). In all these cases, we will explicitly state if some or all of the survey will be conducted at the partner site and if so, what privacy policy is in operation for the study (this Replenish privacy policy or a different policy). As necessary, we will provide a link to the partner's privacy policy or to the policy pertaining to the particular study. This information will be put in the email notification for those surveys that have an email notification. For surveys where there is no email notification, the information will be included in the survey introduction. Members may decline to participate in these studies or drop out of the study at any time. When survey notification is via email, they can simply not click on the link to the survey. If the information is contained in the survey introduction, an easy way will be provided for the user to exit the survey (for example, a button on the survey intro page with "prefer not to participate"; a click exits them from the survey and places them on the last page they visited).